Example of a home with a Florida-Friendly Landscape

Introduction to Florida-Friendly Landscaping™


$20 Enroll

Full course description

This one-hour course introduces the nine principles of the Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Program. Learn how to improve landscape maintenance using these principles, and the benefits to communities that have implemented the recommended practices.

This course consists of three short videos, a short reading, a “What's Wrong with This Picture?” activity, and a course test. You must score at least 70% on the course test to earn your certificate of completion and continuing education credit. Information about how to view and print your certificate of completion will be available after you've passed the course test and submitted the course survey.

  • Water quality and quantity issues in Florida
  • How landscapes affect water quality
  • Main components of a Florida-Friendly Landscape
  • How maintenance plays a large role in Florida-Friendly Landscaping™
  • Success stories of communities that have followed Florida-Friendly principles
  • Ways that landscape architects can use Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ principles to improve landscape maintenance
  • Guidelines for community architectural review boards 

If you have any questions regarding course content, please contact ClaireLewis@ufl.edu